Getting Started

Your task is to find eight vulnerabilities in the UnicornBox servers. When you successfully execute an exploit, the status entry on your scoreboard will change from 0 to a timestamp, to indicate that you have received a flag. Your goal is to collect all eight flags. In addition, the status entry on your scoreboard will update each time you successfully execute an exploit.

If you are working with a partner, you need to acquire each flag on your own server to receive credit for it.

All your exploits will be done through a web browser. We strongly recommend Firefox or Chrome. To get started, open and log in with your Berkeley account.

On this splash page, you can view your progress and reset the server (see below). Note that all the vulnerabilities will be at the vulnerable server—there are no flags on the splash page.

Additional Notes

  • The difficulty rating of each flag is based on students’ experience from past semesters. You might find some of the hard-rated flags easy, and some of the easy-rated flags hard. Feel free to work on them in any order you choose.

  • In case you break the vulnerable server beyond repair, you can reset the database used by the server and clear all stored files. Resetting will not clear your scoreboard progress.

  • Please do not DoS our server. None of the exploits require brute-force.